Given the age of the property, we were keen to delve into history!

It turns out that it property histories are not as easy as you first think so we will add what we uncover to this page as we uncover it!

The 1800’s: Tithe Maps

Under the tithe system, all owners and occupiers of land were required to give one-tenth, or a ‘tithe’, of their produce to the Church of England. In 1836 the Tithe Commutation Act was passed to reform it, substituting an annual monetary payment based on the value of land. Of course, the land first had to be valued so that these payments could be assessed. The tithe commissioners oversaw a massive exercise in surveying, valuing and recording landownership in the great majority of places in England and Wales. This produced the tithe maps – old maps usually at a scale of 26 inches to the mile and plotting every parcel of land subject to tithes, which in most cases meant the entire parish or township.

The tithe maps cross-referenced with tithe apportionments: large parchment sheets on which was listed, for every parcel, the name of the landowner; the name of the occupier (the person actually ‘using’ the land); a reference number, also shown on the map; the name of each field; its land use and acreage; and details of the valuation and the payable charges.

From what we can tell. the land on which Steepfield House was built has a reference number of 1069

Former Occupants of Steepfield House

Through information found in sources such as the census, we are able to find out a little but more about Steepfield House. One of the earliest families we have managed to find out about has been the Jones family who we know lived in Steepfield House between 1871 (from the 1871 census) and 1908 (when a death notice was placed in the Weekly Mail).

The 1800’s: Mary and John Jones

One of the earliest families we can find out about are the Jones family. Whilst we realise that it is a common surname in Wales, from a personal perspective, having been married to a Jones from South Wales it almost feels like fate!

The earliest mention of the family comes from the 1871 census which gives details of the family:

  • Mary Jones was born around 1832 Mynyddyslwy, Monmouthshire, Wales. The census says she was 30 at the time of the census 
  • John Jones was born around 1821 Llanelly, Brecknockshire, Wales.  The census says that he was 50 at the time of the census

The other people sharing the house at the time include:

  • Maria Jones (16) who is the daughter born about 1855 in Tevethin, Monmouthshire
  • Louise Marsh (23) cousin of we assume John Jones, born about 1848 Mynyddyslwyn, Monmouthshire, Wales (although born same place as Mary?)
  • Sarah A Jones (17) servant, born about 1854 Mamhilad, Monmouthshire, Wales
  • Elizabeth Hughes (14) servant about 1857 Trevethin, Monmouthshire, Wales

From ‘Seren Cymru’ 2nd April 1880

Mawrth 18fed, yn y Tabernacl, Pontypwl, gan y Parch. J. Evans, y gweinidog, y Parch D. B. Richards, gweinidog y Bedyddwyr yn Talgarth, a Maria. merch y diweddar Mr John Jones, Steepfield House, Abersychan.

MARRIED: March 18th, in the Tabernacle, Pontypwl, by Rev. J. Evans, the minister, the Rev D. B. Richards, the Baptist minister in Talgarth, and Maria. daughter of the late Mr John Jones, Steepfield House, Abersychan.

Given that the post in Seren Cymru describes Maria as the daughter of the late Mr John Jones, we know that John Jones passed away somewhere between the date of the census in 1871 and March 1880

From South Wales Daily News 31st May 1880

TALGARTH. PRESENTATION.—On Wednesday a meeting WM held by the Baptist Church to present the pastor, the Rev. D. B. Richard, with a testimonial on his recent marriage to Maria, daughter of the late J. Jones. Steepfield House, Abersychan, Mon. The testimonial consisted of books. Mr J Pearce Jones first presented Mrs Richards with a handsome portrait album, and then Mr Richards with the books. Addresses were also given by Messrs Jones, Samuel, Morris, Thomas, Pngh, and R Boucher, who represented the congregation.

1881 Census

In the 1881 census, Mary is listed as the head of the household, as a widower and as a retired innkeeper. This time the census estimates her year of birth as about 1833. None of the other members of the household are listed except a 9 year old son (John – born about 1872) and a visitor, Elizabeth Howells, aged 78. Elizabeth is registered as a widower and housekeeper and born around 1803 in Breconshire.

From the County Observer and Monmouthshire Central Advertiser 24th September 1881

Police Court Saturday: Application for a lamp,Mrs. Jones, of Steepfield House, applied that a lamp might be placed at the cross-roads, near that house. She stated that it was very necessary. It as resolved to erect a lamp at the place referred to

From the ‘Pontypool Free Press and Herald of the Hills’ 25th October 1889

Lot 12.-A desirable property (all copyhold, ex- cept about 8t perches, which are freehold), known as Pentrepiod Farm, adjoining on the east side the Talywain and Pontypool Branch Railway, the estates of Mr J. C. Hanbury and others, and com- prising a farm-bouse, with garden, ontbnildings, two labourers’ cottages, &c. The area of this lot is 42a. 2r. 39p., or thereabouts. The above is, with Lot 13, in the occupation of Mrs Mary Gameson, a yearly Candlemas tenant, at the rent of .£4H per annum, and the apportioned rent in respect of this farm and cottages is .£48 per annum.—The bidding started at .£500, and after a spirited com- petition, the property was eventually knocked down at .£1020 to Mrs Mary Jones, Steepfield House, Abersychan. Lot 13.—A valuable piece of copyhold building land, situate on the east side of the railway re- ferred to in Lot 12, close to Lot 6, nicely tim- bered, and adjoining the Park of Suatchwood House, belonging to Mr Edward Jones, containing an area of la. 3r. 38p., or thereabouts, and, with Lot 12, in the occupation of M8 Mary Gameson, whose apportioned rent in respect of this lot is XI per annum.—The bidding commenced at .£40, and Mrs Jones, Steepfield House, became the pur- chaser at X150.

From Pontypool Free Press and Herald of the Hills 2nd June 1893

WANTED. a good General SERVANT, one about 30 years of age preferred.- Apply Steepfield House, Abersychan

From the County Observer and Monmouthshire Central Advertiser 26th July 1902

PROPERTY SALE. Three acres, one rood, and ten perches of free land on Waterloo-road, Talywain, were purchased for £306 by Mrs Jones, Steepfield House, Abersychan.

From the County Observer and Monmouthshire Central Advertiser 30th July 1904

THEFT OF COAL.—Noah Phillips, labourer Abersychan, was brought up in custody charged with stealing coal, value 6d, the property of Mary Jones, Steepfield House, Abersychan, on July 22nd.-P.C. Fearis said that on the day in question, he met the defendant in Manor Road, carrying the bag of coal produced. Phillips said his sister had given him the coal. but afterwards admitted stealing it from Mrs Phillips’s house.—He was fined 10s or seven days’.

Weekly Mail 31st October 1908

FAMILY NOTICES. JONES.—October 20th, at her residence, aftar a trying illness, borne with much patience, Mrs. Mary Jones, widow of John Jones. Steepfield House, Ab., in her seventy-seventh year.

Mary Jones Probate – 23rd December 1908

Left £9311 to:

  • John Rees Jones
  • Maria Richards (daughter and wife of David Bowen Richards)
  • David Bowen Richards
  • William Lewis provision merchant

1911 Census

In the 1911 Wales Census Summary Book, John Rees Jones aged 39 is listed as living with one other male in the household and 5 females. Steepfield House is listed as 5 Manor Road. On exploring the main census, he is listed as being married for about 7 years (about 1904) and his occupation is listed as being ‘private means’. It appears that he is married to Margaret Jones who is slightly olde than him at 42 (born around 1869 in Crumlin). There are three children: John Aubrey Mard (6), Eva Mary Mard (4) and Beryl Marice Mard (1). Also listed at the property is Ann Mary Williams, aged 58, who is listed as a house-maid (Born Aberdare) and Neeta Annie Gynne listed as a general servant aged 17 and born in Abersychan.

1939 Census

In 1939, a new family appears: The Smithwicks! Headed by Fred, retired aged 65 (Born 4th March 1874) and married to Elizabeth, aged 58 (16th November 1881) who is listed as working as unpaid domestic duties which we assume means housewife! They have two children, Jessica (23 – 6th February 1916) and Thomas (21 – 1st December 1918). Jessica is listed as working unpaid domestic duties whilst Thomas is listed as a Blacksmiths striker.

In the same census, there are two other entries referring to Steepfield Bungalow and Steepfield Cottage C of E although there is little information on what these entries refer to and what they mean for Steepfield House.

Electoral Registers

From we are able to identify another family that lived in Steepfield House. The dates suggest they all lived here at the same time but perhaps were both married previously and had children before living together

  • Diane Shaw (Born between 1954-1956)lived here between 2004 and 2010.
  • James Shaw (Born between 1975-1977) lived here between 2007 and 2008
  • Mis Diane Shaw (Born between 1987-1989) lived here in 2003
  • Mr Phillip Mill (Born between 1948-1950) lived here between 2003 and 2010
  • Ms Gladys Mill lived here in 2003

Comments found on Facebook

Thanks to a Julia Rees, we were able to discover that she grew up in the house nearby (Bewdley) and she explained that the people who used to live here were some sort of relative of her paternal grandmother. It also transpired that her Grandmother Green used to clean here too.

It was also pointed out by Terry Wilson that the Smithwicks were wartime owners and were definitely still living in Steepfield House in the 70s. So just like the Jones, it seems Steepfield House remained in the Smithwicks family for a while.

So Where Does That Leave us?

Well by trying to work out the timeline of occupants, we can sort of work out who has lived here:

  • 1871 to 1911: The Jones family
  • 1939 to 1970’s: The Smithwick family
  • 2003 to 2010: The Mill/Shaw family
  • 2017 to 2022: The Mallen family (who we brought the property from)

There are some obvious gaps we would like to fill in. For example, we are only able to know about the Jones family and Smithwick family because they are listed in the census but we have had to use the years of the census to mark the dates because we know they lived there at those times. But that does raise more questions about the property:

  • Did anyone own Steepfield House prior to 1871 before the Jones family are recorded as living there?
  • We’re told that the Smithwicks still lived in Steepfield House in the 70’s so we have assume that Jessica or Thomas continues living here after their parents passed away but when did it change hands and who purchased the house from them? We have to assume that a family lived here between the 70’s and 2003.
  • Using assumptions and the title documentation, we know that there are some land rights assigned in 1992 between Eric John Portman and his wife Jenny Portman to/from Glyn Thomas Picton. Now we have met a neighbour who was once lived here who sold the front land of Steepfield House to a developer who built the two houses in front. We also know that he now lives in one of those properties. Is he Eric or Glyn? This is a question we need to ask next time he is spotted at the dog park! Edit: The name of Eric Portman has been found against the address through a Google search so we can assume that he and his wife lived here around 1992
  • There is also a gap between 2010 and 2017 to fill.

So what does our new timeline look like?

  • 1871 to 1913: The Jones family
  • 1913 to 1915:
  • 1915 to 1931: The Harris Family (Though Tom Jones appears on 1920 electoral register as does the Horne family who appear 1925-1926- also in 1919 George Oliver had his addresses listed as Steepfield House on his WWI Pension Record Cards and Ledgers (Discharged 7/11/19))
  • 1931 to 1933:
  • 1933 to 1970’s: The Smithwick family (Electoral Register shows Calverley family appear in 1935, the Thomas family 1936 to 1937)
  • 1970’s to 1992: The Portman family
  • 1992 to 2003:
  • 2003 to 2010: The Mill/Shaw family
  • 2010 to 2017:
  • 2017 to 2022: The Mallen family (who we brought the property from)
  • 2022 to Present: The Wake’s

So our potted history has raised a few questions which we aim to uncover!